sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

Mais sobre a nota de Steve Forbes em 2007

Lendo hoje a matéria de capa do DN Journal - The Domain Industry News Magazine de janeiro passado (2008) achei uma nota sobre o já famoso discurso de Steve Forbes na conferência T.R.A.F.F.I.C. de 2007, em Las Vegas.

Eu já citara a famosa declaração (citada abaixo) de Forbes neste blog. Steve Forbes é o executivo-chefe (CEO) da Forbes, e foi candidato 'a vice-presidência dos Estados Unidos.

Repito o trecho, que pode ser lido originalmente AQUI.

Steve Forbes delivering keynote address at T.R.A.F.F.I.C.

"But of all the things that happened in 2007, I think having Steve Forbes come to speak to the domain industry in October was the single highlight not only of this year but of my career in domains. When I think back to where we came from and how drastically the landscape has changed over the years, I believe we will look back at that moment for years to come. Some of his quotes are being used on many sites I see.
Internet traffic and domains are the prime real estate of the 21st century. This market has matured, and individuals, brands, investors and organizations who do not grasp their importance or value are missing out on numerous levels.
- Steve Forbes -
"I have the CD from his speech and I listen to it over and over again just trying to pick out great quotes and how those words could have great value. I don’t think folks know how genuinely impressed Mr. Forbes was when he met us. He really got off on what we all do. He has such a deep respect for entrepreneurs."

Rick Schwartz
Co-fundador do T.R.A.F.F.I.C.